Bed bugs compensation claims – our recent successes
Holiday Claims Bureau are proud to lead the way in securing bed bugs compensation for those who endure the misery of infestations in hotels, caravans and rented accommodation.
Holiday Claims Bureau have had quite a bit of recent success in this field and in almost all cases guests were told that the accommodation provider did everything they could, or even that the guests must have brought the bugs in themselves! Often, a price refund has already been paid.
Bed bug bites leave large welts that are extremely itchy and unsightly. Cases sometimes lead to scarring and infection, but even the luckier victims of these beasties will be in some discomfort for 2-3 weeks.
Bed bugs are not attracted to dirt. However, accommodation providers need to have systems of inspection, treatment and cleaning in place to make sure they are doing everything that could be reasonably expected in preventing and removing infestations before guests arrive.
If you’ve been bitten by bed bugs, you’ll know how unpleasant an experience the aftermath can be. We’re here to help you; proving liability in these cases isn’t always straightforward but our expertise means we have a great track record in achieving fitting settlements for our clients. Give our experts a call on 0161 813 2131 to discuss your case, or if you are ready to start your claim, fill out our online form.
Here are some of our recent bed bug bite claims successes:
Couple’s seaside hostel stay leaves its mark in the wrong way
A couple ended up leaving their Brighton hostel early after they were beset by bed bugs in their bed overnight, with bites all over their faces and bodies.
The acute physical symptoms resolved within 3 weeks and healed fully within 6 weeks. The clients also suffered some psychological distress that would remain for 18 months or so.
Amsterdam ‘luxury’ hotel trip ruined
Another couple booked a package holiday at an Amsterdam Hotel in late 2019 and ended up coming home early and fed-up. A bed bug infestation left them covered in welts over their limbs and torsos. This particular claim was pursued under package travel contract regulations.
The worst of the symptoms lasted 2-3 weeks.
Unwanted guests visit during client’s Airport hotel stay
Our client suffered with nasty bites that necessitated treatment with antihistamines. It took about a month for the marks to clear.
The hotel denied liability and claimed they had done everything that could be reasonably expected. However, on reviewing their disclosure documents, it was clear from the environmental inspection records that both adults, nymphs and carcasses of the bugs had been found which suggested that the infestation had been established for some time.
If you’ve experienced bed bug bites on holiday or in rented accommodation, get in touch today to see how our bedbugs compensation specialists can help. Call us on 0161 813 2131 or complete our online form.
Remember – if you’ve got photos or video of both the bed bugs in situ and of your bites, keep hold of them!
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