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Cryptosporidium outbreak at Eftalia Village sparks legal action

A cryptosporidium outbreak at the Eftalia Village resort in Antalya has left numerous holidaymakers severely ill, with many now pursuing legal action. The outbreak, which is alleged to have begun in July, through to August and continued into September, has been linked to the resort’s swimming pools, where several guests believe they contracted the waterborne […]

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Multiple Families Affected by Illness at Pegasos World Resort in Antalya, With Legal Action Underway

A significant health issue has been reported at Pegasos World Resort in Antalya, Turkey, where at least 19 holidaymakers, including adults and children, have fallen ill with symptoms consistent with a gastrointestinal illness. Many of the affected guests remain at the resort, prompting concerns over the safety of food and water services. The illness, which […]

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Family Contracts Cryptosporidium at Mayfair Hotel in Paphos

A family of four who recently stayed at Mayfair Hotel, a 4-star all-inclusive package holiday resort in Paphos, Cyprus, have taken legal action after receiving medical confirmation of their Cryptosporidium infection. Holiday Claims Bureau Instructed According to Michael Walker, Partner and solicitor at Holiday Claims Bureau, “The symptoms of Cryptosporidium can be severe and have […]

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Family Falls Ill at Esra Hotel in Turkey, Tests Positive for Campylobacter

A family of three, visiting the Esra Hotel, also known as the Hotel Esra Family Suites in Turkey, fell ill during their stay in August this Summer. Suffering from severe stomach pains, diarrhoea, and sickness, the family reported their illness to the hotel and Jet2. Subsequently, a stool sample submitted shortly after their return to […]

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Authorised and Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, SRA number 632313. Holiday Claims Bureau is a trading name of JPS Walker Solicitors Limited, which is a limited company registered in England and Wales at Pure Offices Ltd, Brooks Drive, Cheadle Royal Business Park, Cheadle, SK8 3TD under Company Number 10213017.